What is your favorite color when playing a game?
Blue has to be my color of choice – it is soothing, calming, and allows me to feel no remorse when going in for the kill…

What are your top 5 games as of today?
Wow… top 5 huh…
Eclipse – just an amazing hardcore mechanics system and I love the tech upgrade system for each race.
Settlers of Catan – yeah I know, but it is the game I always seem to bring out with friends and family.
X-Wing – Amazing depth and a great space craft tactical game. Probably the best licensed game out there.
Blood Bowl – and oldie but goodie and I think released at the prime of Game Workshop’s designs.
Dragon Brew – I’ve been play-testing quite a bit and really love the nuances for each of the races. The strategy element is great fun.

Who is your favorite game designer and/or publisher?
It would have to be Flight of Fantasy right now. Their games always have great game mechanics and provide an amazing array of titles. The Star Wars licensed games are incredible and are probably the best licensed games out there. I am amazed how their games are always consistently well designed and balanced.

You are stranded on an island for the rest of your life. What game do you take with you?
Just one??? hmm… would depend who also is stranded on the Isle with me. If they were hard core games, I’d have to say Eclipse with expansions… so many races and quite a bit of depth that would be great to explore.

How many games do you own?
I’m just getting back into the current era of board games, but I do own quite a few classics. I’d say I have about 50 games at the moment.
Cult of the new or tried and true? What drives you to buy a game?
Mechanics and Theme are always at the top. It does not really matter if the game is new or a classic. Great design will always win out.

What was the gateway game that got you into the hobby?
By far Dungeons and Dragons. I remember spending countless hours and summers playing thru campaigns and running a few campaigns myself. If you are talking true board game, Settlers of Catan was my go to game at parties or then one I introduced to non-gamers. The random board always blows the mind for non-gamers.

Are you an introvert gamer or extrovert gamer? Party games or 2-4 player games?
I’ve not really explored too many party games… there are a few I am looking forward to playing like, such as Codenames . I’d have to say 2-4 player games since that is the majority I play.

What is the most epic game play you have been a part of?
In a D&D campaign, the party was literally over-run by a flood of orcs. It looked like doom for our character party. A fighter controlled by a different member and my Ranger sacrificed ourselves to save the rest of the party. Odds were not in our favor at all… it would require some epic rolls for the two of us to allow the party to escape. Now if anyone knows me, I suck at dice rolls. They called me the Fumble Master since 1 was the most common die roll I make. However for this run, the two of us had epic rolls; more than half of the rolls were crits. Although our two characters did not make it, we did hold the horde of orcs back for the rest of the party could survive. I figure that single event is what makes my dice rolling so horrible… I wasted all my good luck during that session, but it was an epic sacrifice for sure.

Best gateway game to introduce gaming to non gamers?
Ticket to ride and/or Settlers of Catan. Both mechanics are easy to teach and seem to be hits with non-gamers as well as gamers.

Your house is on fire… you have just enough time to run in and grab one game to save. What game is that?
My copy of Hero’s Quest and Advanced Hero’s Quest… both in mint condition. I know that is two, but I’m greedy.

Amerithrash, eurogame or abstract? Which type of game appeals the most?
Hmm… both have great appeals. Eurogames seem to be better for non-gamers… but I’ll take both please… with an extra side of guacamole. And don’t skimp out on the Margarita.
Funniest moment ever gaming?
Another D&D campaign where my Dwarf needed to make an epic jump down a castle flagpole to reach safety. I could make the jump as long as I didn’t fumble. However this is me… the fumble master. Naturally I roll a 1, then another 1, and for good measure and extra side of another 1… three fumbles in a row. Guess who face planted right in the midst of a swarm of skeleton warriors. Not my best moment in gaming for sure. I’m threatening to take my dice to a priest so they can be exorcised. I know my dice are possessed…

Win at all costs or everyone has fun?
This really depends on the game… Axis and Allies or Diplomacy? I’ll go for the win at all costs. I might not speak to the gaming friends for a few months after but I will win at all costs. Other games like Settlers or Ticket to Ride, I just play for the fun of it. I like to have both my ying for my yang.

What game do you want made that doesn’t exist right now?
Hmm… I’d like to see a classic Monster Battle game… A Godzilla vs King Kong type epic game where you can destroy cities and fight in epic battles. There may be a game like this out there, but I think it would be amazing fun.

What is your favorite thing about board gaming?
Board Games provide such a social interaction that does not come close with almost any other activity. You can play with friends you have not seen in a while, and it always helps to break the ice so you can catch up and build a repoir again. Games are amazing with bringing people back together again.

What game would you be?
Hmm… probably Battlelore… something epic with many miniatures and a world to conqueror – I think my Viking blood would lead me into that direction.
What shape of meeple are you?
A meeple with two beer mugs in each hand and a beer hat. What is more perfect than Beer and gaming?

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