Rise of the Gnomes

About Rise of the Gnomes

Dragon Brew, first published in 2016, is an engine-builder board game where players focused on building a single brewery, collecting ingredients and creating special beers to win judges at DragonKeep. Dragon Brew had light player interaction and required careful planning to win the game.
Rise of the Gnomes is a stand-alone sequel to Dragon Brew with a very high level of player interaction. Rise of the Gnomes is an area control game where regions are controlled by winning the loyalty of beer customers in the fantasy world of Brumanica. To make things even more exciting a dragon, Gloomtail the Eternal, has emerged from the sea looking to eat your customers and burn your breweries to the ground. Players earn points by expanding their customer base, building breweries, brewing beer, recruiting allies and pleasing the judges at Dragonkeep.

Rise of the Gnomes features the Gnome Union, an automated competing player. All players lose the game if the Gnomes have the most victory points at the end of the game. Players must both compete with other players for control of Brumancia and work together to keep the Gnomes in check.

Rule Books

Custom Content Creation

There comes a point in a boardgame with variable player races when you want to create a new race. Perhaps you want to create one that fits with a specific strategy or play as your favorite fantasy race. We give you on-line access to our guides, templates and image assets to create your own content for the Rise of the Gnomes.

  • Custom Player Races: Follow our simple instructions to make your own player races. Print them out and try them with your friends and family.
  • New Scenarios: Use the game pieces in the box along with our guide and image assets to design your own custom solo, coop and competitive scenarios.

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